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September 3, 2020

Second Annual Slip-N-Slide Day

We can’t help ourselves, we love to have fun and enjoy the warm temperatures summer has to offer.

This is our second year of gathering outside for a fun day of Slip-N-Slide. We had a few folks who had SUCH a great time last year that they wanted to go for a slide again. Some newbies didn’t know what to expect this year, but we're pretty sure you can tell just by the look on their faces that the ride didn’t disappoint. We definitely hit 100% on the fun scale! Before we rolled up the slide for the day, Chef Joe decided to get in on the fun too! And we may or may not have had a dog who took a ride with our CEO Michelle too... :)

The ice cream was an added treat for fans cheering woohoooo! and yeaaaaaaah! from the shaded sidelines.