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October 8, 2018

Fall has Arrived

Our Pumpkin Carving Contest took place and each neighborhood along with the Assisted Living and Apartment residents teamed up together for a total of 5 entries. All the pumpkins were creatively designed and carved and displayed for our panel of judges.

Although it was a tough decision, one pumpkin stood out more than the others. The Pumpkin Carving contest winner is..............Neighborhood Rose! Congratulations to everyone for a job well done. The pumpkins will be on display through the fall holidays.

Five jack-o-lanterns with candles inside.

All pumpkins in the contest

Three contest judges assess the carved pumpkin on a table.

Judges: Susan, Mel & Chef Aaron

The winning jack-o-lantern is carved to look scary with sharp teeth.

Winner: Rose Neighborhood